Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

Black Sticker on Bumper Lid Suzuki Aerio 2004

Ini Spolier penutup radiator yg ada logo S....aslinya khan warnanya silver. Lama kelamaan kok dilihat kagak matching sama warna Mobil dan warna RAM radiator. Supaya lebih Matching dan agak ada sedikit beda sama Oreo yg lain....akhirnya gw kasih stiker item doff....full frame. Duuuuh, tambah cakep ternyata........

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Ini penampakan mesin M15A...the Legend ! Setia menemani 6 tahun terakhir ini.....kagak pernah rewel dah....macet atau mogok sekalipun kagak pernah. Pernah juga menerjang Banjir di 60 cm....sampai air masuk dari pintu....tapi M15A ini tetep melaju gagah !....Ruaaaaar Biasa !

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1 komentar:

  1. It's the time of year for hanging out with friends again, or for just lounging around on a hot and lazy weekend. If the only thing that you'd like to do is marathon in front of the TV with your favorite TV shows, then you know that there is a certain food topping that is as essential to your enjoyment as the air that you breathe. What's a lazy weekend indoors without chips, and lots of homemade chips dips.
